A colposcopy is a procedure a gynaecologist with a special interest in abnormal pap smears will perform on their patient if they find abnormal cells or problems during a pelvic exam or pap smear test. Dr Adam has the equipment necessary to perform a colposcopy procedure in the comfort of her consulting room in under 30 minutes. She will view the opening to your cervix and vagina through a magnifying lens called a colposcope.

Before your Visit

Make sure to book an appointment for a colposcope when you are not menstruating. This will make it easier for your doctor to view your cervix without obstruction.

Avoid for at least 24 hours before your appointment:

    • having sexual intercourse

    • inserting any foreign objects such as tampons, vaginal creams and douches

Be sure to inform Dr Adam of any medications you are taking and if you are pregnant before your colposcopy. Dr Adam may also recommend taking a pain reliever at least 30 minutes before the procedure. You may want to bring a sanitary towel along to wear home after the procedure. Plan to have someone go with you to your appointment to drive you home if necessary.

Before the procedure, Dr Adam will have a consult to ensure you have a clear understanding of:

    • why you are having this procedure

    • possible test results and what they mean

    • risks and benefits of doing this screening test

    • side effects and what to expect during and after a colposcopy

    • what would happen if you don’t have the test and what are the alternatives

A look at the procedure room